Dr Rajan is a general practitioner and has extensive experience and a passion for holistic care, emphasising mindset transformation. Over the years, he was increasingly drawn to mindset work, after observing that a large number of people struggled with their mindset, which prevented them from achieving optimal health and enjoying a good quality of life.
Dr Rajan is an experienced general practitioner, highly skilled in diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions, with a strong emphasis on preventative care. He is patient centered and works collaboratively with patients to create a personalised healthcare plan that promotes long-term wellness and achieve your health goals.
Pediatric Clinic
Pediatric Clinic
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- Colonoscopy – $105
- Gastroscopy – $225
- Allergy testing – $335
- Colonoscopy – $635
- Gastroscopy – $295
- Allergy testing – $355
- Colonoscopy – $105
- Gastroscopy – $225
- Allergy testing – $335
- Colonoscopy – $635
- Gastroscopy – $295
- Allergy testing – $355
Our Services
- Colonoscopy – $105
- Gastroscopy – $225
- Allergy testing – $335
- Colonoscopy – $635
- Gastroscopy – $295
- Allergy testing – $355
Awesome Doctors for Medical and Health
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuм adipiscing elit
Dr Toula Gordillo
Clinical & Jungian (spiritual/non-religious) psychologist
Dr Toula is a qualified Clinical & Jungian (spiritual/non-religious) psychologist. Passionate about holistic mental health care, Dr Toula is a dedicated psychologist and leader in her field. A former teacher and member of high school administrative teams in some of Queensland's largest schools, Dr Toula has concurrently held a busy private practice, working with individuals of all ages and covering all mental health issues, for over thirty years.
Dr Krish Kanagasabai
General Practitioner
Dr Krish Kanagasabai is focused on preventative medicine and believes in improving the quality of life for her patients by reducing morbidity and mortality.